In this article, we will help you understand the topic and learn how to create working IT texts. Not only beginners but also experienced editors and writers will find something useful for themselves. Learn, try in practice, and implement in your work.
If you are interested in this title, then most likely, you are an IT professional, author, or editor who has a need to create text content for IT in the broadest sense of the word. You can be a beginner startupper who wants to introduce their product to a wide audience. You can be a game designer who is thinking of boosting their personal brand by publishing expert articles. You can be a developer who needs to learn how to write posts for a corporate blog. You can be an editor who decided to try new areas of work but never worked with IT texts.
It doesn’t matter who you are. If you do not know where to start in writing IT texts, it is better to ask for help. For example, you can get it from the best research paper writing services according to customer experience. There are writers who understand IT and can professionally help with your text.
Problems associated with IT texts
All problems associated with the creation of IT texts can be divided into two groups. The first is that you have expertise in IT but not in copywriting and editing. The second is the opposite situation; you have an excellent command of the word but are far from programming and everything somehow related to IT. Specific problems may look like this:
- The writer tries to write texts for IT, but IT people constantly send them back;
- The author works with IT experts under constant stress and does not understand how to make communication with them productive and optimize the process;
- An IT specialist is annoyed that they have to spend extra time to supply the writer with an invoice and then check the final texts.
We put together this digest to make life a little easier for everyone who has the desire and needs to learn not only how to write IT texts but also understand how everything works and how they can be evaluated, improved, and distributed in the right channels.
What is IT?
Before talking about texts for IT, let’s clarify and fix what is usually understood by information technology. IT is everything related to information technology: software and its development, hardware, mobile, gaming, high-tech services, and startups.
Information technology (IT) is the business sector that deals with computing technology, telecommunications, and, generally, anything related to the transmission of information or systems that facilitate communication.
For a better understanding of what IT is, find out the difference between IT and digital.
IT texts and their quality

IT texts include many formats and thematic areas. These are reviews of gadgets and devices, press releases on entering the market of technological innovations, guides on the use of software and devices, analytical articles for the media, and much more. However, with all their diversity, their quality can be assessed using a standard and small set of criteria. For example, this is the following:
- general literacy;
- design and accuracy (formatting, indicating the sources of images, links to primary sources, research, etc.);
- compliance with the style of the site, format, and target audience;
- whether all the requirements and wishes of the customer of the text are taken into account;
- technical literacy (adequate use of terms and concepts, expert opinions are not in doubt or are confirmed by references to authoritative sources);
- compliance with deadlines.
From this list, it can be seen that some parameters are not directly related to the quality of the text itself but to how accurately and well the text solves problems and achieves the goals set for it by the customer.
One of the main tasks of an editor or author of IT texts is to help experts clearly formulate the goals and objectives of the text, as well as competently manage their expectations of future results.
Quality text can be imperfect, as well as the processes of its production. The main thing is that it fulfills the goals set for it. There is no abstract quality of the text, and for the most part, it is in the head of the client. Formalized parameters related to language and grammar, which can be assessed by specialists – editors, writers, or marketers, of course, affect the final assessment of the text, but this is only a small part of the “general quality.”
Text as a product
Here’s how the work with the text is usually going on:
The idea of the customer – TK – Writing the text – Publication on the sites. Here, the placement of the text on the site is the final stage of work, after which the material is no longer returned.
With a product approach, the process of creating text becomes different:
Concept analysis and content strategy – MVP creation (illustrating draft) – Publications and testing – Improvements.
Any text should be created within the framework of a content strategy that determines what, how and for whom we write. The author and editor must understand for which segments of the target audience they create content, what goals it should help achieve, and what tasks to solve.
In order to analyze how texts work, you can publish them on UGC sites or in your channels and see how much traffic they collect, what engagement they cause, and how well they lead to conversion into targeted actions. At this stage, the text does not need to be perfected – the main thing here is to test the hypothesis.
If the content works the way you planned, you can improve the materials: add spectacular pictures, detail the information, and improve the layout. Then you can write texts on similar topics that respond to similar TA requests.
If the article didn’t work out, you must analyze the reasons and understand how to improve the solution. Such work often leads to interesting insights. At the same time, if you find out that the hypothesis did not work, you can meaningfully abandon it in the future.