Design, layout and programming
We invite all those interested to take part in conversations about design and programming. You will have the opportunity to learn the secrets of working with clients from practitioners who have proven themselves in the It-technology market. Certified specialists will reveal to you the truths they have come to as a result of practical work.
Certified specialists will reveal to you the truths to which they have come as a result of practical work, will share knowledge that you can not get in practical literature or in educational institutions because this knowledge is the result of their personal experience.
Python as a first programming language
In this program we will learn one of the most trending and popular programming languages of the last decade. Python is an extremely simple and flexible language that allows you to effectively solve the tasks of rapid prototyping, research programming, and, in fact, allows you to create program complexes of almost any scale and complexity.
In the program:
- Program “Hello, world!”. History of the Python language. Zen of Python. Python interpreters. Interactive work in the “calculator” mode. Numeric types. Strings. Lists
- Operators if, while, for. Cycle invariant. The range function. Instructions break, continue and else in loops
- Functions. Passing arguments. Tuples, sets, dictionaries. Iteration over container elements
- I/O and working with files. Text processing. Formatting and string conversions
- List expressions. Lambda-functions. Elements of functional programming. Generators and yeild operator. Unpacking and packing lists and dictionaries. Module itertools
- Objects and classes. Methods and attributes of classes. Single inheritance. Exceptions
- Modules and scripts. Namespaces
- Testing, debugging and auto-checking code
- A brief review of Python’s standard library
Modern information technologies for PC users
In the program: text editor Microsoft Word, table editor Microsoft Excel, electronic calendar and mail in Microsoft Outlook, multimedia presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint.
Program Description
- Microsoft Word text editor
- Table editor Microsoft Excel
- Electronic calendar and mail in Microsoft Outlook
- Multimedia presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint
Provision of the educational process: each participant is provided with a laptop with Internet access, methodological materials in printed and electronic form. Each student of the program is given the opportunity under the guidance of the teacher: The teacher supplements the program with new relevant tasks for the practical development of tasks.
This program involves the formation and improvement of skills:
- use Microsoft office applications as intended,
- enter and format text,
- create an electronic document with all its inherent elements,
- print documents,
- create spreadsheets.